Saturday, 18 May 2019

14 Beautiful DIY She Shed Ideas That Everyone Can Build

1. A Cozy Space to Start Your Day

Every woman needs a cozy space to start her day. Whether you're a tea or coffee drinker, you must have a sacred place to soak in the morning (and absorb caffeine) before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.
Why not make a cozy front porch on your she-shed and use it as a space to caffeinate and breathe before the day truly begins? Remember, before you feed the chickens you must fuel up to take on the day ahead and do it in a beautiful space.

2. The Reading Shed

I love nothing more than to curl up with a good book on rainy days or after a long day of working on our homestead. Reading is a great way to relax and relaxing is important if you work hard for everything you have.
If you’d enjoy a welcoming space to take a break from the world around you by crawling into a good book, creating a reading shed to be your cozy space to go and relax.

3. The Backyard Escape

My doctor recently shared with me how many women are experiencing poor mental health (myself included) because we pour so much of ourselves into everything and everyone else, we forget about our goals, our dreams, and our well-being.
I've had to learn to say ‘no' some days and get away by myself to allow time to breathe and heal from the chaos of life. Make yourself a priority. Create a space where you can escape from the world even if you don't go any further than your backyard.

4. A Place to Process Life

she shed ideas for a relaxing cup of tea
My mother-in-law and I used to sit on my front porch, sip cold drinks, and take in the scenery. We'd jokingly call it a ‘hen party,' but those were some of the most comforting moments in my life.
If you have a friend, a mother, or a mother-in-law who helps you ‘do life,' invite them to your she shed front porch and process life together. Having a chat with someone close is some of the best therapy you can get, and it's free!

5. The She Shed Craft Retreat

Speaking of my mother-in-law, crafting was a way she'd give her mind rest while keeping her hands busy. She made many beautiful items.
If crafting is a way for you to find rest and relaxation, this is a wonderful she shed for you to create many masterpieces and find solace in the process.

6. The Vibrant Yoga Studio

she shed ideas for a yoga studio
Though you can't see all of the amazing colors this she shed offers at first glance, the various patterns and distinct color schemes are a magnificent way to lighten up your spirits.
If you're feeling run down on the inside, create this she shed and make it your new yoga studio. Bright colors, unique patterns, and soothing yoga are fantastic ways to make your soul feel vibrant again.

7. Cooking Up Some Comfort Farmhouse Style

Do you have specific foods which can instantly make you feel better after a long or stressful day? I have mine, but I don't like to share them with anyone else when I've had a tough day. Being honest, here.
If you'd enjoy a kitchen all to yourself to bake, make comfort foods, and breathe, this farmhouse she shed could be your perfect space.

8. The Shed and Body Makeover

she shed ideas for an old shed makeover
If you’re into the farmhouse style (which many are right now) consider taking an ordinary shed and giving it an upgrade. This could not only be good for your curb appeal but your physical health as well.
When I'm doing something to make my home look better, it can make me feel better. It also does the body good to be outside, moving around, and soaking up the fresh air. If you're up for a project around your house, this could be a good choice for more reasons than one.

9. The Stay-Cation Shed

My family and I went years without taking a vacation. We couldn't afford one, and it wore us down. You need a break sometimes from the daily grind.
If you have a hard time breaking away from your daily routine, create a space around your home where you can have a stay-cation. It's a place you can slip away to (if only for a night) to rest, relax, and have a slight change in scenery.

10. Your Meditation Space

she shed ideas for meditation
This shed is quite small, but how much space do you need to relax in total solitude? I've recently started meditating in an attempt to retrain my brain. Our brain is like the rest of our body; without proper training, it can go haywire.
Though this shed is smaller, you don't require much space to meditate. You need a comfortable place to sit and the ability to play your meditation podcasts or music. If you're trying to calm your anxiety and retrain your brain, consider investing in a space specifically meant for meditation.

11. Sweat in Peace

I'm telling on myself a little in this post. I let myself go for a long time and paid the price of becoming a train wreck both mentally and physically over the past few months. We can only push ourselves for a certain period of time before our bodies say, “No more!”
One thing my nutritionist has been pushing me towards is to exercise more. Though farming seems like quite a workout, you'd be surprised how our bodies adjust. It doesn't take much space to exercise and only about 20 minutes to break a solid sweat. Take the time to get your heart rate up every day and create a lovely workout studio to sweat in peace.

12. The Art Studio

she shed ideas for an art studio
Are you someone who enjoys art? I have a friend who has a passion for all things involving art, but lately, she has embraced pottery. There's something about molding the clay into a beautiful masterpiece which soothes her heart.
If you'd enjoy embracing your artistic side a little more, consider creating a she shed which could become your new art studio.

13. A Sewing She Shed Idea

Are you gifted with the needle? If you can sew a variety of clothing or decorative items, you've earned the right to have your own space to do it.
Not only does this give you time and a place to invest in a hobby you enjoy, but it also can save you a great deal of money on clothing and decor items.

14. The Photography Space

she shed ideas for a photography studio
I have friends who are amazing photographers. They're able to capture precious moments we'd otherwise miss because they have this special gift.
If you've been gifted with an eye for photography, consider creating a she shed where you can take gorgeous photos and perhaps start your own business.
You now have 14 beautiful she shed ideas on how you can transform a shed into a specific space meant to nourish your body, mind, heart, soul, and your hobbies.
Women tend to give a great deal of themselves to everything and everyone else without stopping to recharge their own batteries.
By creating a space all of your own, it makes it easier to go somewhere, lock the door behind you, and become intentional about investing in you! This will create balance in your life and will boost your health.

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